How to Mute Someone on Instagram?

how to mute someone on Instagram
Social Media

Instagram has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering a window into the lives of friends, family, celebrities, and even strangers. However, the constant stream of content can sometimes become overwhelming, leading to feelings of anxiety or stress. Whether it’s envy-inducing photos of exotic vacations, a once-too-often Instagram poster, or just irrelevant content that clutters your feed, Instagram’s mute feature provides a guilt-free way to curate your social media experience. In this article, we will explore how to mute someone on Instagram and why this feature is essential for maintaining a healthy, positive, and personalized browsing experience.

What Is the Mute Feature on Instagram?

Before diving into the steps of how to mute someone on Instagram, it’s essential to understand what the mute feature is and how it can enhance your social media experience. The mute feature allows you to hide posts, stories, and even direct messages from specific accounts without having to unfollow or block them. This can be the perfect option for managing your feed without the awkwardness of unfollowing a college friend or someone you know personally.

The mute function helps you maintain relationships while taking control of the content you see, making it a valuable tool for content consumption. By using the mute feature, you can continue following accounts without their posts appearing in your feed, which is particularly useful for avoiding content that doesn’t align with your interests or mental health needs.

How to Mute Someone on Instagram

If you’re ready to regain control over your Instagram feed, here are the steps on how to mute someone on Instagram. This guide will walk you through muting posts, stories, and messages from users whose content you’d rather not see on a regular basis.

Muting Posts and Stories

To mute posts and stories from someone on Instagram, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit Their Profile: First, navigate to the Instagram Profile of the person you want to mute. You can find their profile by searching for their username or selecting their profile picture from your feed or story list.
  2. Tap the Three Dots: In the upper right-hand corner of their profile page, tap the three vertical dots (also known as the hamburger menu). This will open a pop-up menu with several options.
  3. Select the Mute Option: From the pop-up menu, you’ll see the option labeled “Mute.” Tap this, and you’ll be presented with additional mute options—Mute Posts, Mute Story, or Mute Both.
  4. Confirm Your Choice: Choose whether you want to mute just their posts, just their stories, or both. Once you make your selection, the person’s content will no longer appear in your feed or stories.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to mute someone on Instagram for posts and stories.

Muting Direct Messages

If you’re looking to mute messages or chat activity notifications from a specific person, Instagram makes this process just as simple:

  1. Open the Direct Message: Tap the message icon in the top-right corner of your Instagram home screen to access your direct messages.
  2. Select the Conversation: Tap on the conversation with the person whose messages you wish to mute.
  3. Tap on the Name: At the top of the chat, tap on the person’s name to bring up additional chat settings.
  4. Mute Messages: You’ll see a toggle labeled “Mute Messages” and “Mute Call Notifications.” Slide these toggles to mute messages and calls from this person.

With these steps, you now know how to mute someone on Instagram not only for posts and stories but also for direct messages and calls. This feature is particularly helpful if you want to keep your notifications under control without missing out on essential updates from other users.

The Benefits of Using the Mute Feature

Now that you know how to mute someone on Instagram, let’s discuss the benefits of utilizing this feature. The mute function can be a powerful tool for improving your mental health and social media experience. By curating your feed and limiting exposure to certain types of content, you can focus more on the things that bring you joy and inspiration.

1. Mental Health and Well-being

Excessive exposure to content that triggers negative emotions can take a toll on your mental health. The mute feature offers a way to protect your mental well-being by reducing the display of content that might evoke feelings of envy, anxiety, or stress. For example, if you find that baby photos or hundreds of vacation photos from a friend stir up uncomfortable emotions, muting their posts can be a proactive step toward maintaining a positive browsing experience.

2. Managing Irrelevant Content

Not all content is relevant to everyone, and Instagram’s algorithm doesn’t always get it right. If you find that someone’s posts no longer resonate with you, muting them allows you to enjoy a more tailored Instagram feed. Whether it’s content that no longer aligns with your interests or simply posts you’ve seen once too often, the mute function lets you maintain your connection without the need for drastic measures like unfollowing or blocking.

3. Maintaining Personal Relationships

There’s always that one college friend or family member whose posts you don’t necessarily want to see every day, but unfollowing them might create unnecessary tension. Muting their content is the perfect option for maintaining relationships while filtering out content that doesn’t add value to your day. It’s a guilt-free way to manage your social media experience without hurting anyone’s feelings.

Additional Mute Settings and Options

Instagram provides several mute options that cater to different needs and preferences. Aside from muting posts, stories, and messages, there are other ways to customize your experience further.

1. Muting Through Story Settings

If someone’s stories are particularly bothersome, you can mute them directly from the story itself. Tap and hold the story icon of the person you want to mute, and a menu pane will appear with the option to mute their stories. This quick reassurance method ensures you won’t accidentally view stories from a muted person.

2. Muting Active Status

If you want to take things a step further, you can mute the active status of certain users. This prevents them from seeing when you’re online and vice versa. It’s a helpful feature if you want to reduce the feeling of competition becomes a chore, especially if you’re trying to focus on other aspects of your life without distractions from active users.

How to Keep Track of Muted Accounts

After learning how to mute someone on Instagram, you might wonder how to manage or unmute these accounts later on. Instagram makes it easy to view and manage your list of muted accounts.

  1. Go to Settings: Open your profile and tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner to access the hamburger menu. From there, select “Settings.”
  2. Privacy Settings: Navigate to “Privacy” and then select “Muted Accounts.” Here, you’ll find a list of users you’ve muted, and you can choose to unmute them if you wish to see their content again.

This feature helps you keep track of who you’ve muted and ensures that your feed and notifications remain as relevant and enjoyable as possible.


Understanding how to mute someone on Instagram can significantly improve your social media experience. Whether you’re looking to filter out irrelevant content, protect your mental health, or manage your interactions with certain users, the mute feature provides a simple yet effective solution. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can take control of your Instagram feed, ensuring that your content consumption remains aligned with your personal preferences and well-being.

Remember, the goal is to create a social media environment that supports your happiness and productivity. The mute function is a powerful tool that allows you to maintain connections, enjoy inspiring content, and keep your Instagram experience as positive as possible.


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